2024-01-15 17:22:20 +0800
2023-05-10 13:22:32 +0800
/EP5/ — Garage Gym Beasts ➜ Fitness Beasts

Heavy duty adjustable fitness equipment that can satisfy the needs for those who are looking to lift heavy and unleash the inner beast at home. The set contains the heaviest quick select weights in the world which allows users to lift heavy, switch between weights quickly and maximize power output.

▍Recommended for ▍
⓵ Strong men and women who are determined to enter a bodybuilding contest
⓶ Those who want to maintain a high level of muscle mass at any given time
⓷ Anyone who wants to make a breakthrough and take their training to the next level

▍Home gym style ▍
Industrial style, LOFT, American garage style, concrete floor

▍Features ▍
This gym features the heaviest dumbbells in the world to make anyone the strongest they can be. Push each rep to the limit with our sturdy and durable dumbbells while resting comfortably on our adjustable bench. Add our heaviest kettlebell for an extra round of cardio. Designed with a minimal footprint so you can store your entire gym in just a corner of your house.

▍ Add-ons for the gym ▍
➀ 100LB adjustable dumbbell
➁ 100LB adjustable dumbbell stand
➂ 80LB adjustable barbell
➃ 50 LB adjustable kettlebell
➄ Foldable bench